world wildlife day

Happy World Wildlife Day 2024!

March 3rd is World Wildlife Day – and this year’s theme is Connecting People and Planet: Exploring Digital Innovation in Wildlife Conservation – which is right up our alley! Check out our latest video to see some of our favorite wildlife moments from the field, to learn how The Curio Cat team is bridging the gap between digital innovation and wildlife conservation, and what you can do to join in to help save our wildlife! #worldwildlifeday

For more information on World Wildlife Day, check out the UN’s website:

And visit our AI program info page or email to learn more about our programs that can help any student conduct high level AI research with a conservation-forward appproach!

To see a detailed list of all of our previous student acheivements over the years, check out our student accomplishments page!

Or watch it on our YouTube channel here. To learn more about our videographer Hannah, click here!

By Hannah

Hannah is a photographer/videographer who specializes in nature and wildlife content, research assistance (citizen science), and data collection. She is an avid hiker, birder, and Yelp Elite Squad member!

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