Happy New Year! Welcome to The Curio Cat! Our main goal is to help students become involved with student research, up through high school and even college. Another of our goals is to share our collection of curious knowledge with the world as it relates to history and STEM!
Our intention is to share this knowledge via short Instagram posts as close to daily as possible. And accompanying this will be a more detailed blog/vlog post. Find us on IG @curiocatnews!
The majority of our knowledge has been accumulated through research projects and the exploration of ideas and of the world. Almost all of the photos we will share have been taken by co-creator Hannah, as photography is one of her passions!
Notably, helping students become involved in research has been a life-long endeavor of co-creator Derek. In fact, he has a long history of navigating students through the muddy waters of the research world!
Both Derek and Hannah have a love of exploration, research, adventure and the sharing of knowledge gained. Consequently, this allows them to excel at teaching and guiding younger generations!
The Curio Cat’s main goal is to stoke the fires of wonder, awe, and curiosity in the next generation. Or in any generation for that matter! We hope our contributions will be useful to anyone who comes across them. Additionally, we hope that you will enjoy the daily tidbits of curious knowledge shared on IG and in our blog posts! Visit our About Us page for more info. Thanks for reading!