Are you curious about STEM but not ready for research? Would you like a more flexible schedule? Would you like to pay by-the-hour instead of upfront? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then The Curio Cat’s STEM tutoring service may be right for you!

The Curio Cat’s STEM tutoring has delivered solid results:

Our scientific expertise is now available on an hourly, pay-as-you-go basis. This way, you can stop if you’re overwhelmed, no longer interested, or not completely satisfied:

  • $80/hour: Python coding, calculus, multivariable calculus, partial differential equations, neural network for tabular data, neural network for time-series data, random forest methods (arguably better for time-series prediction), computer vision, genetic algorithms, Verlet physics, soft body physics, Q-learning, and other fun introductory topics
  • $150/hour: implicit methods, Runge Kutta methods, finite volume method, finite element method, particle-in-cell, smooth particle hydrodynamics, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), physics informed neural networks, physics informed convolutional neural networks, Fourier neural operators, graph neural operators, graph neural networks, reinforcement learning, deep Q-learning

Please email to schedule your tutoring! Reduced rates are available for our international students.

By Derek

Derek (BS, PE) is an expert in physics informed machine learning, i.e., "AI simulations". He loves to teach research methods to up-and-coming young researchers, including high schoolers and college students.

One thought on “1-on-1 tutoring: Starting at $80/hr!”
  1. […] Research tutoring: $250/hour. Research tutoring is different than regular tutoring. Research tutoring is aimed at discovering something new and interesting. This requires extensive preparation time on our part. The recommended number of hours is 16. Non-research tutoring is available starting at $80/hour. […]

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